Our writing group has been running continuously since 2018. Each month we set ourselves a prompt word or theme on which we loosely base our writing. We circulate our pieces ahead of time and then meet to eat, drink and offer one another supportive feedback. It is an immensely civilised and pleasurable activity.

In 2025 we published a book containing twenty-four of our best pieces. It was edited by Julian Fuller. You can read it on Kindle or order a printed copy from Amazon by clicking on one of these cover pictures:

Here is a complete list of the 'trigger' theme words or phrases we have used to inspire our writing since 2018:

April 2025: Pieces inspired by pictures distributed at our last meeting

March 2025: Pieces inspired by a film title
February 2025: Perspective
December 2024: A five syllable word of your choice
November 2024: Decade or decayed
October 2024: Out
September 2024: Choice
August 2024: Pieces inspired by a song lyric
July 2024: This time
May 2024: Match
April 2024: Departure
March 2024: Collaboration
February 2024: Improvement
January 2024: Resolution
December 2023: Magic
November 2023: Lessons
October 2023: Rumour
Sept 2023: Coincidence
August 2023: Pieces including the words: horse, faces, watermelon, angst and careen
July 2023: Cheat
June 2023: What happened next
April 2023: Relative
March 2023: Luck
February 2023: Pieces inspired by pictures distributed at the last meeting
January 2023: Waves
December 2022: High
November 2022: Friend
October 2022: Ignorance
September 2022: Evening
August 2022: Five words to include in the piece
July 2022: Hoarder
June 2022: Gossip
May 2022: Fantasy
April 2022: Pieces inspired by pictures distributed at the last meeting
March 2022: Finding
February 2022: ....... will see you now
December 2021: A brief encounter
November 2021: The last thing .....
October 2021: The date
September 2021: Companions
August 2021: The letter
July 2021: Catch
June 2021: "Happy Memories" C.M.H. 1936 – 1996
May 2021: Cook
March 2021: Secrets and lies
February 2021: Blessings
January 2021: The difference
December 2020: The first time / the last time
November 2020: Forbidden
October 2020: Dressed to kill
September 2020: A pinch of salt
July 2020 (2)
July 2020 (1): Class
May 2020 (2): Trying not to laugh
May 2020 (1): In the garden
April 2020: Down my street
February 2020: A souvenir
January 2020: Fertile ground
December 2019: Early memories
October 2019: A moving experience
September 2019: Pieces inspired by pictures distributed at our last meeting
August 2019: Special friendship
July 2019: Seconds
June 2019: A life
May 2019: May day
March 2019: Spring
February 2019: A diary
January 2019: My favourite
December 2018: A role model